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The Pacific Northwest Presbytery is one of more than 80 member Presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church in America. The more-than-30 churches and mission works of our Presbytery are located in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska.

As a denomination, we are “Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, and Obedient to the Great Commission.”

We welcome you to join one of our churches (including mission churches, which are designated with the "*"), which are located in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Our Presbytery also include ministers serving in several different ministries outside of the PCA.

Please click here to find details on these and other churches in the PCA.


Faith Presbyterian Church, Anchorage

Redeemer Presbyterian Church (Mission)*, Kenai Peninsula


All Saints Presbyterian Church, Boise

Boise Presbyterian Church (Mission)*, Boise


Ascension Presbyterian Church, Hillsboro

City Church, Eugene

Chehalem Valley Presbyterian Church, Newberg

Evergreen Presbyterian Church, Beaverton

Evergreen Presbyterian Church, Salem

Hope Presbyterian Church, Portland

Oaks Parish, Portland

Washington CHURCHES

Ascension Presbyterian Church, Edmonds

Christ Church Bellingham, Bellingham

Coram Deo Presbyterian Church, Spokane

Christ the Cornerstone, North Seattle

Covenant Presbyterian Church, Issaquah

Covenant Presbyterian Church, Walla Walla

The Crossroads at Lake Stevens, Lake Stevens

Cross Sound Church, Bainbridge Island

Faith Presbyterian Church, Tacoma

Grace Community Presbyterian Church, Mt. Vernon

Grace Community Presbyterian Church, Bremerton

Hilltop Presbyterian Church (Mission)*, Ferndale

Hope Fellowship (Mission)*, White Swan

Hope Presbyterian Church, Bellevue

Liberty Bay Presbyterian Church, Poulsbo

Redeemer Redmond Church, Redmond

Resurrection Presbyterian Church, Puyallup

Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church (Mission)*, Yakima

Trinitas Presbyterian Church, Mill Creek

Trinity Seattle Church, Seattle

Westminster Presbyterian Church, Everett

Westminster Presbyterian Church, Vancouver


These ministries and churches are served by members of the PNWP, or have historic roots with our Presbytery.


US Army, Alaska

US Army, Germany

Western State Hospital, Lakewood, WA

Educational Missions

Africa Christian Training Institute, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa

Serge (PhD Studies), Aberdeen, Scotland

Non-PCA Churches

Immanuel (KAPC), Seattle, WA

New City Fellowship, Seattle, WA

Wiser Lake Chapel, Lynden, WA

Other ministries

Flourish Coaching, Seattle, WA

International Students, Inc., Anacortes, WA

Youth For Christ, Spokane, WA


Assistance to Other Denominations

The PNWP has had a critical role in helping plant churches outside of the PCA.

Header photo by Lydia Williams on Unsplash